Water chestnuts 230 gr
Water chestnuts from Daily are tasty crispy tubers that are used in many Asian stews. It often gives a crunchy bite to the dishes.
Water chestnuts
These are tubers of an aquatic plant from Southeast Asia. The tubers grow under water in the mud. The chestnuts have a dark brown skin and a crispy and sweet white flesh. The tubers are delicious in salads, soups, and stir-fries. These water chestnuts are canned with water without preservatives.
Water chestnuts Fresh
You must peel these chestnuts until you leave a white flat tuber. These are raw to eat but they are mostly used in stew or wok dishes. The tubers can be stored in the fridge for a week or two.
Water chestnuts, water.
Also known as: Water Chestnuts, Wasserkastanien, Chataigne d'eau
Country of origin: Thailand
Brand: Daily
Content: 230 gr
Drain Weight: 140 gr